2WP Migration #brave & #tasty

He lifted the spoon to his lips, the aroma turning his stomach. The cook’s eyes bored into him, daring him to refuse. Cal smiled and forced it into his mouth. He was not that #brave. He twisted his fist into his thigh, eyes watering.

“Mmm,” he said. “#Tasty.”


Andrea Crossett 09/04/22

2WP Migration #well & #peer

He sat on the edge of the #well, #peering into the dim.

“Making a wish?” John asked, climbing up beside him.

“Just thinking.”

“About what?”

“The kid who fell in.”

John was quiet a moment, dangling his feet over the side.

“I don’t remember that.”

“You will.”


Andrea Crossett — 09/04/22

2WP Migration #perplexed & #intolerant

She stalked the stacks, weaving past ancient tomes shelved so low no one noticed them anymore. Periodically, a patron would catch sight of her and pause, #perplexed at her appearance. Years alone had made her #intolerant of people. She preferred the quiet of books. #2WordPrompt

Andrea Crossett — 09/02/22