Tag: Short story

2WP Migration #time & #friend

“#Time is no one’s #friend,” she said, her voice distant.

“You’re too young to know that,” her companion replied.

She thought back over the centuries of her life, the rise and fall of empires and kings, each so certain of their own immortality; all now dust.


Andrea Crossett — 09/13/22

2WP Migration #sly & #oath

A #sly smile crossed her face quick as a shadow, gone before he was sure he’d seen it. The guards turned, escorting her down the darkened hallway. It wasn’t over. She’d sworn an #oath of revenge, and she meant to have it. And until she did no walls could hold her.


Andrea Crossett — 09/11/22

2WP Migration #curse & #crew

Moonlight shines down upon the drifting ship, floating cobwebs clinging to the mast. The #cursed#crew shuffle along the deck, eyes locked on some distant memory. The ship tilts, caught in the grip of a whirlpool.

“Time to get out of the bath, Timmy,” Mother calls.


Andrea Crossett — 09/10/22